Why Designers Love Hunter Douglas Window Fashions – Serving DC Area

Why Designers Love Hunter Douglas Window Fashions – Serving DC Area

One of the reasons we love Hunter Douglas is the versatility of the window treatments they offer. We can help you find a window treatment for any window — large openings, small openings, specialty shapes and more. At Value Blind & Heirloom Draperies in Northern Virginia, we also realize that your windows are your connection…

Exceptional Style, Functionality of Shutters

Exceptional Style, Functionality of Shutters

Shutters have always been a popular window treatment choice, for our clients here in the Metro DC and Northern Virginia area. Shutters offer many benefits, including variety of colors, sizes, and materials including premium hardwood, faux wood, and poly-satin. The functional louvers on interior shutters allow for optimal light filtering and privacy control. High quality…